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 Судебное заседание "Преступление и наказание"

Гуревич Ольга Ильинична
Тип урока: Урок закрепления знаний.
Вид урока: Судебное заседание.
Форма проведения: ролевая игра. 
Основная цель: учащиеся должны продемонстрировать знания, умения и навыки разных видов речевой деятельности, а также усвоить определённые гражданско-правовые нормы.
1. Лингвистические: развитие и скрытый контроль речевого умения.
2. Познавательные: развитие способностей к осуществлению продуктивных речевых действий, к логическому изложению; развитие умения определять и формулировать собственные пути; решения проблемы; развитие умения выражать свою точку зрения, личное отношение к проблеме, аргументировать свое высказывание; развитие способностей к подбору выражений, адекватных ситуации; развитие творческих способностей учащихся.
3. Социальные: формирование гражданской и социально-правовой активности учащихся через  общение; формирование дисциплинированности как формы проявления на практике усвоенных правовых норм; развитие навыков  умения анализироанализировать и давать оценку поступкам, коллективно находить пути решения проблемы. 
Оборудование: компьютер, , фотографии,картинки 
Активизация лексических навыков.
- There are some words you might hear in the courtroom. Can you match them with their definitions?
1. judge, 2. plaintiff, 3. defendant, 4. lawyer, 5. witness, 6. jury, 7. case, 8. trial, 9. to charge, 10. to swear, 11. to claim, 12. evidence
a. Someone whose job is to advise people about the law or to present them in court
b. A group of people who listen to a legal case and decide if a person is innocent or guilty
c. The person in charge of the court who makes decisions about legal issues
d. Someone who makes a legal complaint against someone else
e. To accuse someone officially of a crime
f. The person in a legal case who is accused of wrong doing
g. Facts and objects that are meant to prove that something is true
h. Someone who has seen an accident or crime and can describe what happened
i. To say something is true, even it hasn’t been proven
j. A legal issue that has to be decided in court
k. The process in which a court of law decides a legal matter
l. To make a serious promise
Keys: 1c, 2d, 3f, 4a, 5h, 6b, 7j, 8k, 9e, 10l, 11i, 12g 
Слова по теме «Система правосудия — Суд» на английском с транскрипцией
appeal əˈpiːl право аппеляции
capital punishment ˈkæpɪtəl ˈpʌnɪʃmənt смертная казнь
caution ˈkɔːʃn̩ предупреждение
cell sel клетка
community service kəˈmjuːnɪti ˈsɜːvɪs общественные работы
corporal punishment ˈkɔːpərəl ˈpʌnɪʃmənt телесное наказание
court kɔːt суд
court case kɔːt keɪs судебное дело
death penalty deθ ˈpenlti смертная казнь
defense dɪˈfens защита
fine faɪn денежный штраф
jail dʒeɪl тюрьма
guilty ˈɡɪlti виновен
imprisonment ɪmˈprɪznmənt лишение свободы
innocent ˈɪnəsnt невинный
judge dʒʌdʒ судья
jury ˈdʒʊəri суд присяжных
justice ˈdʒʌstɪs справедливость
lawyer ˈlɔːjə адвокат
offence əˈfens преступление
prison ˈprɪzn̩ тюрьма
probation prəˈbeɪʃn̩ испытательный срок
prosecution ˌprɒsɪˈkjuːʃn̩ обвинение
punishment ˈpʌnɪʃmənt наказание
sentence ˈsentəns приговор
trial ˈtraɪəl суд
verdict ˈvɜːdɪkt вердикт
witness ˈwɪtnəs свидетель
 At Court 
Clerk of the court:All rise! The court is in session!.Silence! The court is coming!
The court reporter:  Thank you, sit down pleaseYour honour, respected jury, today we have a deal with a theft.  Today we are trying a case of Mr.Smith  On the 9h of January, 2017 he was trying to steal some food from the supermarketPjaterotcka. It was two sausage sticks and a pack of sweets.He was caught by a woman (a customer) and we've got some photos from the video cameras in the market, here we can see them. 
Judge: MrSmith?, You have been charged with section 664 attempted theft. do you have anything to say? 
The accused(MrSmith ). : Yes, your Honour... I'm guilty, madam. My life is in your will. 
Judge: Mr Black? It's your turn. 
The public prosecutor (Mr Black): Your honour, we have a few witnesses to hear. 
Judge: Does the defense side mind? 
The defender (Mrs Magon): No, your Honour, it's a prosecutor's right. 
The public prosecutor (Mr Black):  The 1st witness of accusation is John Browny. 
Judge: Please, Mr Black, start 
The public prosecutor (Mr Black): Thanks. Mr Browny, do you swear to speak only truth and nothing except truth? 
The witness (John Browny): Sure, sir.
The public prosecutor (Mr Black): Well, Mr Browny tell about the last Tuesday.
The witness (John Browny): I work as a cashier at the '.Pjaterotcka'. 
The public prosecutor (Mr Black): Do you know the suspect? 
The witness (John Browny): Yes. I remember him. Because this man refused to pay the products he took, said he had no money. 
The public prosecutor (Mr Black): Do I understand clearly that you mean Mr Smith wanted to leave not paying? 
The witness (John Browny):  Exactly, sir. 
The public prosecutor (Mr Black): Thank you Mr Bolly. I have not any questions. 
Judge: Mrs Magon, would you ask anything? 
The defender (Mrs Magon): No, sir, I'll wait for our witness. 
Judge: Well, next witness.
The public prosecutor (Mr Black): Mrs Peach, are you familiar with the suspect? 
The witness (Mrs Peach): Yes, this criminal is  my neighbour. 
The public prosecutor (Mr Black): So, and what do know about the case he is charged? 
The witness (Mrs Peach): I know he is unemployed now, he's just an idler. He doesn`t want to work. 
The public prosecutor (Mr Black): Thank you, Mrs Peach 
Judge: Mrs Magon, it's your turn. 
The defender (Mrs Magon): Thanks, your Honour. If you allow, I'll start with a single defense witness. I suggest to hear Jillian McDougle. 
The defender (Mrs Maron): Mrs McDougle, are you a Mr Smith´s sister? 
The witness (Jillian McDougle): Yes. 
The defender (Mrs Magon): Tell us about the situation happened with your brother's family? 
The witness (Jillian McDougle): I'm not pleasant to say this but still I must help him. James doesn't work now but he's seeking for the job. He is a real professional His wife doesn´t work too.They are waiting for a baby. 
The defender (Mrs Magon): Do you help them?
The witness (Jillian McDougle): Earlier I did, butI am  divorsed. I work at the factory, my salary is rather small. 
The defender (Mrs Magon): Your Honour, that's all of me. 
Judge: Thank you , Mrs Magon. Are the sides ready for debates? 
The public prosecutor (Mr Black): Yes.
The defender (Mrs Magon): Yes, your Honour.
Judge: Mr Black, please. 
The public prosecutor (Mr Black): Thanks... Your  Honour, we've  heard  the case.  Your Honor, shoplifting is rather a common crime and people commit it on different reasons.t  We have a dangerous criminal who doesn't want to change his way of life.  Today it's just a sausage stick but tomorrow it' ll be a billion dollars. James Smith must get a serious punishment.I ask you to sentence him to 3 months in prison. Thank you. 
Judge : Is that all?
The public prosecutor (Mr Black): Yes. That's all, your Honour.
Judge: Mrs Magon ? 
The defender (Mrs Magon): Your  Honour,  I claim that my defendant is innocent. He is a victim of circumstances and couldn’t find the way to feed his hungry wife.I ask you to put yourselves on his place for a moment. You're alone with your problems, no job, no money,This act isn't in this man principles. He is ashamed. . That’s why I would like you to call the defendant innocent. Thank you. 
Judge: Thank you, Mrs Magon. Mr Smith, you' ve a right for the last word. Will you use the right?
Mr.Smith : Your Honor, I understand that I am guilty. And I agree that it’s impossible behavior! But mywife was so hungry and she looked at me with her eyes full of tears! I had nothing to do and I committed the crime. Please, try to understand me. I swear it will not happen again. 
Judge: The Court is ready to pass its sentence. Taking into account all the circumstances I sentence Mr. Smith  to social work in the supermarket " '.Pjaterotcka' for a month. The sentence is final and carries no right of appeal.

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